The intelligence required is staggering...
"Your body is infinitely more complex than a Lamborghini and infinitely more valuable to you. There is no human on the planet that knows enough about the human body to be its mechanic. No doctor or no 10,000 doctors combined intelligence can do what your body does on a daily basis. You have 15 trillion cells and each is doing approximately 1,000 functions in any one moment. The intelligence required to run our bodies is staggering. Taking supplements and doing therapies is like trying to do the job of a Lamborghini mechanic and you don't even know what a wrench is. Plus this Lamborghini is the size of a planet and has a 15 trillion more moving parts than a regular Lamborghini. The only safe thing to do is to provide the conditions of health. Eat raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Get enough rest, sunshine and exercise. Drink pure water and breathe the best air possible. Lastly make sure you have a great mental diet so that you maintain emotional balance. Those are some of the major health factors, there are however other ones." (i'll try to find the author and rest of article)
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