Topsoil is a pretty good, thogh short article about the nature of soil.
...i think this is important to point out, since most people don't realize its vital importance, and just see it as dirt.
...and commercial agriculture blatantly destroys the intricate biology of the soil with their techniques of artifically producing 'look good' fruits and vegetables, but which are lacking in nutrients and many are ridden with hazaradous chemicals.
"Topsoil or the organic layer, is one of the least respected, yet most important parts of our lives. Without topsoil, life on Earth would not be as it is… Topsoil is the constant struggle for life to return to its beginning, and through this, be renewed into other forms of life… Topsoil in and of itself is a layer of organic materials that accumulate and deposit over thousands of years. Topsoil is far more than just a layer of organic matter; top soil is a teaming world of life, filled with beings that have as much the right to live as human beings."
read the whole article here.
...for a more indepth treatment go here.
...and here.
...there are also microscopic images of the different organisms.
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