Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Getting the right amount of protein

[received this in an email ...and like what she says here...about the protein myth and getting the body alkaline. ...she is promoting her book ...which i haven't read i can't say that i endorse it ...anywho, this piece is worth passing on.]

Based on some of the questions I receive, it appears that
the fears of death, snakes and public speaking don't even
come close to people's fear of not getting enough protein.

You can thank the Madison Avenue advertising sharks for
that one.

People have been brainwashed into thinking that meat and
dairy are the only and best sources of protein, and if they
don\'t drink their milk and eat their meat, the'll be
protein deficient.

Tell me, do you even know what a protein deficiency looks
like? Know anyone that has one? I didn't think so.

The fact is, animal products are just one of many sources
of protein, and they also happen to be very acid-creating
to your body.

When your body is in a state of acidity (called acidosis),
it can not effectively absorb nutrients from your foods.
So even though you're eating protein when you have a steak,
chances are good that your body will actually use little or
none of it.

What makes this worse is the fact that most people eat
animal products with the wrong other foods. This results
in over-production of acid in the stomach that destroys the
nutrients in your foods and makes you reach for the Rolaids
(or your stomach drug of choice).

And what people don't realize is that protein from animal
products is just that--animal protein. It's not human

Our bodies need to break down the cow or chicken or pig
protein into its individual amino acids. Then it converts
it to human protein, and that is quite an involved process.

Want to know another GREAT source of protein that's
actually good for you?

Alkaline foods.

That's right.

Alkaline foods contain the amino acids our bodies require
to construct all the protein we need.

And because they're alkalizing to the body, you end up
getting the benefit of the amino acids (and all the other
nutrients) in your foods because they're not being
destroyed by acid.

Here's an interesting tidbit: Cows (and other animals of
strength and endurance) eat nothing but alkaline foods.

Cows with their huge bones and enormous bodies have no
trouble with protein deficiency.

Alkaline foods are also typically low in calories, so if
you're concerned about that spare tire or bump in your
rump, eating mainly alkaline foods is a great way to make
it go away.

The manuals in the Great Taste No Pain system explain the
health dangers of animal products and show you exactly what
foods are alkaline, so you'll know all the BEST sources for
your protein.

The recipe book contains many mouth-watering recipes, so
you'll love every bite of getting your protein.

You\'ll know what percent of your meals should be alkaline,
so you can eat some acid-creating foods you love and still
maintain a proper acid-alkaline balance.

And if you're a die-hard meat and dairy lover that can't
give it up, I also show you what foods to eat them with to
help reduce their harmful effects.

Check it out right away...and have all the protein you'll
ever need.

To your health,

Sherry Brescia


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