Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Getting the right amount of protein

[received this in an email ...and like what she says here...about the protein myth and getting the body alkaline. ...she is promoting her book ...which i haven't read i can't say that i endorse it ...anywho, this piece is worth passing on.]

Based on some of the questions I receive, it appears that
the fears of death, snakes and public speaking don't even
come close to people's fear of not getting enough protein.

You can thank the Madison Avenue advertising sharks for
that one.

People have been brainwashed into thinking that meat and
dairy are the only and best sources of protein, and if they
don\'t drink their milk and eat their meat, the'll be
protein deficient.

Tell me, do you even know what a protein deficiency looks
like? Know anyone that has one? I didn't think so.

The fact is, animal products are just one of many sources
of protein, and they also happen to be very acid-creating
to your body.

When your body is in a state of acidity (called acidosis),
it can not effectively absorb nutrients from your foods.
So even though you're eating protein when you have a steak,
chances are good that your body will actually use little or
none of it.

What makes this worse is the fact that most people eat
animal products with the wrong other foods. This results
in over-production of acid in the stomach that destroys the
nutrients in your foods and makes you reach for the Rolaids
(or your stomach drug of choice).

And what people don't realize is that protein from animal
products is just that--animal protein. It's not human

Our bodies need to break down the cow or chicken or pig
protein into its individual amino acids. Then it converts
it to human protein, and that is quite an involved process.

Want to know another GREAT source of protein that's
actually good for you?

Alkaline foods.

That's right.

Alkaline foods contain the amino acids our bodies require
to construct all the protein we need.

And because they're alkalizing to the body, you end up
getting the benefit of the amino acids (and all the other
nutrients) in your foods because they're not being
destroyed by acid.

Here's an interesting tidbit: Cows (and other animals of
strength and endurance) eat nothing but alkaline foods.

Cows with their huge bones and enormous bodies have no
trouble with protein deficiency.

Alkaline foods are also typically low in calories, so if
you're concerned about that spare tire or bump in your
rump, eating mainly alkaline foods is a great way to make
it go away.

The manuals in the Great Taste No Pain system explain the
health dangers of animal products and show you exactly what
foods are alkaline, so you'll know all the BEST sources for
your protein.

The recipe book contains many mouth-watering recipes, so
you'll love every bite of getting your protein.

You\'ll know what percent of your meals should be alkaline,
so you can eat some acid-creating foods you love and still
maintain a proper acid-alkaline balance.

And if you're a die-hard meat and dairy lover that can't
give it up, I also show you what foods to eat them with to
help reduce their harmful effects.

Check it out right away...and have all the protein you'll
ever need.

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Raw Food and Juice's Amazing Healing Power - part 1 of 2

Raw Food and Juice's Amazing Healing Power - part 1 of 2: "Most human illnesses and diseases are due to a deficiency of vital nutrients. When you supply your body with the proper nutrients, in a form that your body can use, it knows how to repair itself. 'The body has the inherent ability -the vitality -not only to heal itself and restore health, but also to ward off disease. Illness is not caused simply by an invasion of external agents or germs, but is a manifestation of the organism's attempt to defend and heal itself. Prevention Is the Best Cure. Health is a reflection of how we choose to live.' TC Fry"

Article about Enzymes and Raw Food by Dr. Kane

whole article here: "Raw food vs Cooked food

ENZYMES: The tiny and enormous difference between raw and cooked foods

Virtually all chronic degenerative diseases are caused or aggravated by digestive problems. After the most extensive study on nutrition ever undertaken by the government, the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs concluded in its 1978 report entitled 'Diet and Killer Diseases,' that the average American diet is responsible for the development of chronic degenerative diseases such as heart disease, atherosclerosis, cancer, diabetes, stroke, etc. Many of the most common health complaints revolve around a 20-foot, mucus-lined tube that directly interfaces us with our environment. This is no mystery: This is the gastro-intestinal tract, affectionately abbreviated 'GI.' The job of the GI is to alchemically transmute the food we eat into our flesh, blood, actions, thoughts and feelings... with a little help from our friends the salivary glands, the pancreas, the liver, and most importantly RAW FOOD -- all of which provide (now we're getting to the point) ENZYMES."

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The Milk Letter: A Message to My Patients

The Milk Letter: A Message to My Patients: "

'MILK' - Just the word itself sounds comforting! 'How about a nice cup of hot milk?' The last time you heard that question it was from someone who cared for you - and you appreciated their effort.

The entire matter of food and especially that of milk is surrounded with emotional and cultural importance. Milk was our very first food. If we were fortunate it was our mother's milk. A loving link, given and taken. It was the only path to survival. If not mother's milk it was cow's milk or soy milk 'formula' - rarely it was goat, camel or water buffalo milk.

Now, we are a nation of milk drinkers. Nearly all of us. Infants, the young, adolescents, adults and even the aged. We drink dozens or even several hundred gallons a year and add to that many pounds of 'dairy products' such as cheese, butter, and yogurt.

Can there be anything wrong with this? We see reassuring images of healthy, beautiful people on our television screens and hear messages that assure us that, 'Milk is good for your body.' Our dieticians insist that: 'You've got to have milk, or where will you get your calcium?' School lunches always include milk and nearly every hospital meal will have milk added. And if that isn't enough, our nutritionists told us for years that dairy products make up an 'essential food group.' Industry spokesmen made sure that colorful charts proclaiming the necessity of milk and other essential nutrients were made available at no cost for schools. Cow's milk became 'normal.'

You may be surprised to learn that most of the human beings that live on planet Earth today do not drink or use cow's milk. Further, most of them can't drink milk because it makes them ill." the rest of the article here.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

OrganicAthlete -- Sustainable Alternatives's a short but very good article about the vegan lifestyle.

Contributed by Lennie Mowris
Friday, 16 September 2005

The vegan lifestyle extends beyond the realm of food and is based in compassion for all life. PETA has best encapsulated the vegan ideal on many bumper stickers, t-shirts and buttons found in their catalogue that states, “Animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on or use for entertainment.” This is a strong statement, clearly embracing that all animals, like us, are born free and within that right should stay free. Many people adopt a vegan diet for health and ethical reasons but don’t as often take the next step towards supporting this freedom by boycotting other animal-based items.

read the rest of the article here

...this is from the Organic Athlete website.
...their Statement of Principles is worth a read:

Friday, September 16, 2005

Topsoil is a pretty good, thogh short article about the nature of soil.
...i think this is important to point out, since most people don't realize its vital importance, and just see it as dirt.
...and commercial agriculture blatantly destroys the intricate biology of the soil with their techniques of artifically producing 'look good' fruits and vegetables, but which are lacking in nutrients and many are ridden with hazaradous chemicals.

"Topsoil or the organic layer, is one of the least respected, yet most important parts of our lives. Without topsoil, life on Earth would not be as it is… Topsoil is the constant struggle for life to return to its beginning, and through this, be renewed into other forms of life… Topsoil in and of itself is a layer of organic materials that accumulate and deposit over thousands of years. Topsoil is far more than just a layer of organic matter; top soil is a teaming world of life, filled with beings that have as much the right to live as human beings."

read the whole article here.

...for a more indepth treatment go here.
...and here.
...there are also microscopic images of the different organisms.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Cooked Food Versus Raw

"Cooked Food Versus Raw

Some Of The Known Differences

Cooked foods cannot create true health because they are missing some very vital elements needed by the body for its optimal functioning; things like enzymes, oxygen, hormones, phytochemicals, bio-electrical energy and life-force. When foods are heated above 105 degrees F they begin to lose all of these. By 118 degrees F, most food is dead. Yes, the vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats and proteins are still there, but in a greatly altered state - not at all what nature provided."
read the whole article

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Whole Foods versus synthetic/isolated nutrrients --SuperFood Nutrition

Whole Foods versus synthetic/isolated nutrrients (click for whole article): excerpt: "Nutrients never occur as isolates in natural foods. They are integrally related with many other natural molecules that are required for their absorption, assimilation and non-toxicity. The traditional vitamins and minerals that are offered are only a part of the whole vitamin or mineral complex. Isolated and synthetic nutrients are foreign to the body, completely unnatural, are poorly absorbed, offer incomplete results, imbalance body chemistry, deplete the body of co-factor nutrients, and usually have significant toxicities."